Research, research aaaand some more research.

download (1) I want to quickly reflect on a lecture Sandra and Tom gave that I found very useful. The timing of this lecture was perfect for me as I have been slowly but surely slipping into a state of panic and confusion over the great deal of written essays and academic reading and research projects and blogs and lectures and what module I am working on on that particular day and DEADLINES!!

Simply bullet points on what our Research Proposals and Reports should consist of and how we go about doing just that.

Project Proposal  

  • Introduction- what you are looking at and why.
  • Literature review-what have other academics said (on your research angle)
  • Methods-what research methods are you using and why (references)
  • Ethics-how did I protect identification (do no harm)

Literature Review

  • Patti Lather
  • Whistler
  • Silverman
  • Bellhook

Method Ideas

  • Interviews
  • Questionnaires
  • Collaborative writing
  • Prompted writing
  • Drawing a picture
  • Make a collage
  • Taking a photograph
  • A mind map
  • Mixed methods(more valid)

To think about in order to produce good data for my report.

Qualitative Data- Real answers-emotional connection

Performative Data- Fake answers-what they think I want to hear

Both of these collect data. One being less honest than the other. Ideally if I want straight forward statistics I would use the methods that would provide me with that for example questionnaires usually consist of yes or no answer box to tick. Whereas asking a group of people to draw/take a photograph could very well stir up some emotions (hopefully) leading to some qualitative data and a great Research Proposal and a great Research Project Report.Project-Writing

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